Applications must be emailed or faxed by last day of November each year. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Available Scholarships:
There are several scholarships available ranging from $500-$1,500.
Mission Statement:
The Northwest Indian Bar Association (NIBA) was founded in 1991 as a non-profit organization of Native attorneys, judges, and Indian law practitioners. One of the stated goals of NIBA is to foster the education of Native attorneys and law students. The NIBA scholarship was established to support Native law students who are committed to advancing the goals and visions of Native communities and people through legal representation and advocacy.
Application Requirements:
Preference will be given to students attending a law school in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Any student who is enrolled in a Tribe that located in one those states, and who is attending a law school outside of that service area, is also eligible. Applicants must be enrolled in a federally recognized Tribe or Alaska Native, a descendant of a federally recognized Tribe or Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian. Applicants must also be enrolled in an ABA accredited law school.
Applicants must submit the following:
1) A completed Scholarship Application form;
2) Resume;
3) Two letters of recommendation (copies of recent letters submitted for law school admission, other scholarships, or internships are acceptable);
4) A copy of an admission statement from an accredited law school.
5) Proof of tribal enrollment or affiliation. If not available, must explain their tribal affiliation.
Mail, Email or Fax Application to:
Mail to:
Jessica Peyton Roberts
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
920 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3300
Seattle, WA 98104
Ph: (206) 757-8375
Fax: (206) 757-7375
Or Email to: