Student Financial Aid

Native Law Students: Apply for NIBA’s Scholarships and Bar Stipends


The Northwest Indian Bar Association (NIBA) was founded in 1991 as a non-profit organization of Native attorneys, judges, and Indian law practitioners.  One of the stated goals of NIBA is to foster the education of Native attorneys and law students. The NIBA scholarship was established to support Native law students who are committed to advancing the goals and visions of Native communities and people through legal representation and advocacy. There are several scholarships available ranging from $500-$1,500.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Bar Stipends

NIBA offers bar stipends to Native law students who are: (1) set to graduate, or have graduated, from an accredited law school, (2) registered for the Winter or Summer Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, or Washington State bar exams, and (3) intend to work in the field of American Indian law or policy in the Northwest.  Bar stipend funds come from NIBA membership dues and our annual dinner, along with charitable donations from law firms, tribes, and tribal organizations.  

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.